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Business and Professional Women of the Triangle

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BPW/Triangle develops a powerful network of leaders to advocate, educate and cultivate connections.

Business and Professional Women of North Carolina

North Carolina Business & Professional Women’s Clubs (BPW/NC) is a network of North Carolina local clubs committed to empowering working women to fully achieve their potential in their careers. All members of BPW/Triangle are also members of BPW/NC.

Established in 1919, BPW/NC promotes equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. The BPW/NC Federation meets several times a year to conduct the business of the organization with a healthy dose of member development, networking, and community service.  BPW/NC also advocates for legislation that helps working women and their families. Visit the BPW/NC website to find out more.

BPW/NC Mission: To achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. We strive to empower women to fully achieve their potential.

BPW/NC is broken into 2 groups: Federation and Foundation

  • BPW/NC Federation is a 501 (c) (6) nonprofit organization with a network of North Carolina women who are committed to achieving full equity for all women in education, government, business and the community.  The North Carolina Federation consists of local clubs around the state. Find a BPW/NC local club in your neighborhood.

  • BPW/NC Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit with a primary objective to accumulate funds to support BPW/NC Foundation scholarships and programs.

BPW/NC is a member of BPW/USA Foundation, a national organization set up for women and employers.


The State Organization is a member of BPW/USA Foundation

Established in 1956, BPW Foundation became the first foundation dedicated to conducting research and providing information solely about working women. Today, BPW Foundation is transforming workplaces by focusing on issues that impact working women, families and employers.

BPW Foundation Mission:
To empower working women to achieve their full potential and to partner with employers to build successful workplaces through education, research, knowledge and policy.

As neutral conveners, BPW Foundation launched its Successful Workplaces Movement while engaging women, employers and policy makers, to inspire collaboration, create systemic change, and expand options for more equitable and flexible workplaces.

To learn more, visit the BPW Foundation website.


Contact:      |      Mailing address: PO Box 1794, Cary, NC  27512

Business and Professional Women of the Triangle (BPW/Triangle) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation.

Copyright 2025 Business and Professional Women of the Triangle. All rights reserved.

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