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Business and Professional Women of the Triangle

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Member Highlight: Dana Pyle

31 Aug 2018 7:01 PM | Anonymous

Member: Dana Pyle

Who are you and what do you do for your current organization?

I am the marketing manager for Carolina Ale House. We have 30 locations in 6 states, so I handle their brand, any brand issues, public relations, corporate philanthropy, and catchall for anything else they possibly come up with.

Why did you join BPW?

I got to meet with Allison Cohan. I moved here about 2.5 years ago and one of the things I was really looking forward to was reconnecting with women that were similar in mindset, professionally in their career, and also just like to have a really good time and really just to meet different people and to learn new and different things. I interviewed, if you will, a bunch of different organizations and this one felt the best, it felt like I was at home and was welcomed right away and I had a really crazy schedule and somehow got put on the board and on committees. I know Allison would say, “No”. So that’s why I joined BPW.

What are your favorite hobbies or interests outside of work?

Work is my first hobby, but I really love to cook - so much so that I will go to friends’ houses for parties I’m not invited to and cook for them… and then leave. But I really love cooking, I love traveling, and just exploring where I live. I think there’s so much that is around our community that we don’t even scratch the surface on and I love trying new things. I love it.

What is your favorite superhero and why?

Wonder Woman! I didn’t even have to think twice about this question. I wish I could understand why but I’ve loved Wonder Woman since I was a little girl. But I’ve been politically motivated my entire life, which is why I’m on the Legislative Committee, and was in politics for a long time. But I think that empowerment piece and that women can be strong and they can fight for what they believe in is just as strong of a power as knocking through walls and shooting things and whatever else some other superheroes do.

What chores do you hate doing?

Laundry. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Everything about laundry - putting in the washer, putting it in the dryer, folding - I hate laundry. Hate it.

What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing what you’re doing now?

I have always wanted to own my own event planning company. I love entertaining and what I love the most about it is seeing people happy. Whether it’s walking through the door, giving them really good food, giving them a lot of drinks (because I think that’s vital) but I’ve always really wanted to own my own event planning company and it’s still a dream goal of mine and I think one day it’ll come true. I think.

How do you define success?

I actually had to think a bit about that one. Because I think success is dependent on your life and where you are in your career. For me, success is being happy. I have always said that the day I stop enjoying my job is the day I stop going to my job. (But obviously with giving notice and all that stuff.) But finding something new - because if you can’t enjoy what you do, why are you doing it? And I think jobs are a necessity and you need a paycheck and you need to put food on the table for our families, but for me success is finding the career and the path that you want to be on and enjoying it. And some days are gonna suck, you know that, but if overall you can be really excited, and you wake up and you know that’s where you want to be, then for me, that is what defines my success and really gets me going.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

To play the piano. I’m so not musically inclined and I’m desperate to learn to play any single instrument and the piano has been like my baby that I have wanted to do. I just haven’t done it. I just really need to and somebody, anybody wants to teach me, I’m ready and willing. I’m ready! I can’t sing, I can’t draw - I’m not very good at that stuff. But I could try!

What is the coolest (or most important) trend that you see today?

So I couldn’t come up with anything cool, but there’s a lot of trends I really hate. Like I don’t understand why crushed velvet has come back? If you love crushed velvet, I’m so sorry - and I’m a believer in all things - but I just don’t understand it. And I spent an hour with my girlfriend who came to visit me - I just moved into a new house a few weekends ago and we talked about culottes. I don’t understand why things have come back. So I couldn’t find any cool trends, but all I could think of was ones I really don’t like right now.

What can BPW do to support you in your business?

Eat and drink at Carolina Ale House.

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