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Business and Professional Women of the Triangle

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Reality Store (SM) Needs Your Help!

15 Dec 2014 1:41 PM | Anonymous

BPW/Raleigh is proud to sponsor Reality Store SM, a curriculum for middle school students. This is our 10th year presenting Reality Store SM at Shepherd Middle School in Durham, NC. It is being held on Friday, February 13, 2015 (approx. 8am-11:30am).

The program is offered in a game format where students learn the “reality” of a monthly family budget and the value of making appropriate choices in planning for career, family and their education. Students receive a mock checkbook with the monthly income entered for the specific career. Students then visit booths manned by community members at which they pay their monthly bills. At each booth, the students make decisions concerning the standard of living they’ll assume. For example, at the housing booth, students decide if they want to pay for a one-bedroom efficiency apartment or a five-bedroom home.

Following the Reality Store SM simulation, students discuss the impact of the educational choices they make today on their ability to 1.) enter various occupations and 2.) support various standards of living in their future.

Can you help?

Volunteer on February 13, 2015 - If so, here's how it works: 2 volunteers are assigned at each of 10 stations. Volunteers guide students in making choices and helping them to make adjustments to their check register. Prior experience with Reality Store SM is not necessary. It is an easy job and so rewarding. 

Contact Mary Kim at for more information or to volunteer. For directions to the school click here: Shepherd Middle School.

Provide freebies for our student goodie bags - We create bags with memo pads, stickers, t-shirts, etc for each participating student to take home. If you have something to contribute contact Mary Kim at


  • 28 Jan 2015 8:46 AM | Anonymous
    We need 2 more volunteers for this event! Contact Mary Kim -
    Link  •  Reply

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