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Business and Professional Women of the Triangle

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BPW/Triangle develops a powerful network of leaders to advocate, educate and cultivate connections.


The views expressed by blog authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of each member within our organization. 

  • 06 Jun 2018 4:40 PM | Anonymous

    Our Friend, Lydia Ostrishko

    By: Michelle Evans

    Lydia, a former member of the Triangle Club, passed away on May 24, just past her 61st birthday. Lydia had many health problems over the years but more recently her renal cancer returned causing a quick decline. Besides her dear friends, Lydia is survived by her beloved Bella (Bassett hound/pointer mix), Ken (the love of her life), as well her father and two brothers.

    Lydia and I have been friends for more than 20 years. Over the years, we traveled, laughed, cried, and enjoyed many wonderful times. She always said I was her sister from another mother. It warmed by heart as I am an only child who never experienced biological siblings. I believe what describes Lydia most is that she was one tough cookie. This was a lady who was strong in her faith, fiercely loyal, would give you the shirt from her back, and supported her friends when they needed an ear.

    Lydia was indeed the definition of a workaholic. She enjoyed working and contributing. At age 50, she had at last found her calling in Human Resources and returned to college at Campbell University graduating manga cum laude. Most recently before her health took a turn for the worse, Lydia carried on this work at the State Library of North Carolina in Raleigh. Her attention to detail and understanding of intricate policies and processes made her a valuable asset.

    We will miss her greatly.

  • 24 May 2018 3:41 PM | Anonymous

    BPW TRIANGLE – What a Ride!

    Written by Mikki A Kline, Co-President BPW Triangle 2016-2018

    In March 2016, in the wee early hours of a Saturday morning, Marcy Stahl and I gathered a few hardy souls to discuss ways that we could energize and build-up & out this chapter. Some of ladies were familiar with BPW, and some had never heard of our organization. It took several of these meetings, over the course of many months to assemble enough women to say “I’m in”. With complete optimism, hopefulness and a blurry vision where we wanted to go, we began to lay out a plan.

    We determined fairly quickly that we wanted “FUN,” and this needed to be intertwined with learning, professional & personal growth, and that we had welcomed everyone. In laymen terms, we wanted cupcakes & champagne, but it had to come with high-level, high-quality speakers & learning.  Plus, we wanted all members and guests to feel like they belonged; so much so, that they joined our chapter immediately and knew that their participation was vital in helping us grow.

    Now, I’m not sure if it was the three tiered dessert table at Prestonwood Country Club, the various social events, or just our pure perseverance of our leadership team & members, but BPW Triangle has experienced fantastic results over the past two years. We have more members than ever, membership engagement is up, we have added additional programming (yes, some has worked and some has not), many of our members have stepped into leadership positions or found various ways to enhance our chapter, and our meeting attendance has soared; plus, each year we have increased the amount of money we have given out in educational scholarships. The results in just two years has been incredible… however, all of this pales in comparison to the connections and relationships that have been built between our members.

    During the past two years, we have experienced so much together. Our members have welcomed babies and some have faced an empty nest; we have said goodbye to Dr. Lois Frazier, our longest and dearest member, and some of us have said our farewells to parents or loved ones; we have celebrated professional and personal successes, and we have wiped the tears of those that have experienced job loss, divorce and disappointments… The list goes on and on.

    What has emerged is much more than a group of professional women who gather to hear speakers. Our chapter extends way past professional aspirations and has blended into our personal lives. I particularly love the picture from our last Holiday party, as it encompasses who we are - obviously we are very serious about Star Wars (or at least support the members that are); we want to have good time & connect with each other, and it is important that we include our family and friends.

    What started as a few women with a vague vision of energizing our chapter, has become so much more than we ever dreamed or anticipated…. We are a community, a force… a TRIBE. It is with some sadness, but with tremendous gratitude that our two year journey as Co-Presidents is coming to close. However, there are a lot of amazing women ready to take the torch and run with it. Marcy and I will be next to you and behind you, cheering and supporting you, as you continue to grow, refine and alter the vision of our chapter to meet the needs of our membership…. Our community.

    Next week, Marcy and I will thank our TRIBE leaders and members for being on this crazy, exhausting, amazing adventure with us, please know that we left nothing on the table as we slide into home screaming…. WOW!! What a Ride! Now keep running….

  • 01 Feb 2018 7:40 PM | Anonymous
  • 11 May 2016 8:47 PM | Deleted user

    Congratulations to Monica Hendricks who has been awarded the 2016 the Lois Frazier Educational Scholarship!

    Monica was selected from a field of 20 scholarship applicants.

    The Lois Frazier Educational Scholarship is base on merit and is awarded annually to college students who reside in reside within the North Carolina counties of Wake, Durham, Orange, or Johnston.

    BPW/Raleigh scholarships are provided to outstanding area students seeking to further their education, advance their careers, or re-enter the workforce.

    BPW/Raleigh scholarships are funded by the donations of members of BPW/Raleigh.  Consider making a donation today!

  • 28 Feb 2016 3:32 PM | Deleted user
    Virginia Allan Young Careerist (YC) - a signature event-May 24th

    Nominate a Young Careerist, or

    Apply to be a Young Careerist candidate

    Application due by April May 1st.

    The Virginia Allan Young Careerist Program (YC) was founded by Virginia Allan who served as our National President in 1963. She recognized the need to recruit younger members -- and realized their professional, personal and political achievements of young professionals needed to be honored.
    Candidates are reviewed and selected at the local Club level by delivering a prepared 4-minute speech, interviewing with judges, and preparing a biographical statement and application. The selected Young Careerist then competes at the State level.  [  Read more  ]

    To participate in the program, a Young Careerist must:

    • Be between the ages of 21 and 35;
    • Have been employed with at least one year of full-time work experience in their career area;
    • Support the mission of BPW.
    • Participate in the BPW Raleigh event May 24th 5:30-8:00pm. All meeting registration fees will be paid for you.

    Benefits of winning this award

    The winner of the Young Careerist (YC) competition receives a 1-year paid membership to BPW/Raleigh and BPW/NC. YC's then enjoy the benefits from networking opportunities, opportunities for personal and professional development, opportunities to learn about the issues of concern to workingwomen, educational programs, and visibility. 

    Nominate a Young Careerist, or

    Apply to be a Young Careerist candidate

  • 01 Feb 2016 9:52 PM | Deleted user

     Business and Professional Women of Raleigh (BPW/Raleigh) invites you to attend our Spring Individual Development (ID) program to be held on Saturday, February 20th, 9:00am-2:00pm. ID programs are developed to meet the needs of today’s working women; empowering them through education and meaningful interaction in a seminar setting. Spaces are limited.  Guest speakers Dr. Tara Burnett-Lewis,M.D.-Alliance Medical Ministry,  Claudia Christy, DTM, Six Sigma Purple Belt and Sheyenne Kreamer, Triangle Solutions Alliance will speak on the topics of  Women's Health Initiatives, Identity Theft and Brand Management, and The Power of Presentations. This is an annual BPW Raleigh Signature Event. Spaces are limited.

    Register at .  Registration ends February 17th.

    *All proceeds benefit BPW Raleigh's scholarship fund.  Scholarship recipients receive a monetary award in the amount of $1,000 (USD) toward their education; applied toward tuition or other defined school expenses and will be paid to the school on the recipient’s behalf.

  • 01 Feb 2016 9:31 PM | Deleted user

    BPW/Raleigh is proud to sponsor Reality StoreSM, a curriculum for middle school students.  Offered in a game format, students learn the “reality” of a monthly family budget and the value of making appropriate choices  in planning for career, family and their education.

    BPW Reality Store needs your help! Sign up now!

    12 Feb 2016 7:30am-11:30am Shepard Middle School, Durham, NC

    Realty Store is a simulation game in which students identify their career interests, research a specific career, and receive a mock checkbook with the monthly income entered for the specific career.  Students then visit booths manned by community members at which they pay their monthly bills. 


    At each booth, the students make decisions concerning the standard of living they’ll assume.  For example, at the housing booth (manned by a Realtor), students decide if they want to pay for a one-bedroom efficiency apartment or a five-bedroom home.  


    Following the Reality Store simulation, students discuss the impact of the educational choices they make today on their ability to 1) enter various occupations and 2) support various standards of living in their future.


    How it works: 2 volunteers are assigned at each of 10 stations. Their job is to guide students in making choices and helping them to make adjustments to their check register.  We need volunteers! Prior experience with Reality Store is not necessary. It is an easy job and so rewarding!

    Reality Store Community Program Chair: Mary Kim

  • 06 Dec 2015 10:02 PM | Deleted user

    We extend a hearty welcome to our newest board members, Amelia Davey, BPW Raleigh's Programs Chair and L. Danielle Baldwin, BPW Raleigh's Social Media/Marketing Chair.

    A Former Young Careerist, Amelia brings her organizational expertise as a wedding planner and the owner of When In White wedding planning solutions. 

    Danielle, social media maven, is the founder of WordCamp RDU and CEO of her own branding and marketing company, Baldwin + Brand.

    Welcome aboard!

  • 20 Nov 2015 7:53 AM | Anonymous

    Accepting applications now!

    BPW/Raleigh scholarships are provided to outstanding area students seeking to further their education, advance their careers, or re-enter the workforce. Scholarship recipients will receive a monetary award in the amount of $1,000 (USD) toward their education; applied toward tuition or other defined school expenses and will be paid to the school on the recipient’s behalf. 

    BPW/Raleigh is accepting completed applications for the 2016 application process until April 5, 2016.

    BPW/Raleigh Dr. Lois E. Frazier Scholarship (merit based)

    Scholarship applicants are evaluated based on application materials and demonstration of:
    • Completed application (essay, short answers, reference & scholastic record)
    • Leadership
    • Commitment to giving back (particularly to supporting other women)
    BPW/Raleigh scholarships are not awarded to the same person in two consecutive years. All candidates must submit a completed BPW/Raleigh scholarship application.

    BPW/Raleigh Application Process
    • Candidates can be female or male and must be currently enrolled (full or part-time) at an accredited college, university, or institution of higher education 
    • Current high school students are not eligible to apply 
    • Applicant must reside within the North Carolina counties of Wake, Durham, Orange, or Johnston (but can attend school outside the area) 
    • Applicant should have a career plan after completion of schooling 
    • Applicant must demonstrate academic achievement 
    • Applicant must be in good academic standing (2.5 GPA or higher) 
    • Applicant must complete an application form provided by the Raleigh BPW Scholarship Committee 
    • Applicant must submit an official transcript of scholastic record (copy acceptable) 
    • Applicant must complete two of the four essay questions (no more than 150 words each) as stated on the application form 
    • Applicant must submit one (1) reference letter on letterhead paper (where applicable) 

    BPW/Raleigh Scholarship Deadline
    Completed Applications are due to by April 5, 2016. The BPW Scholarship Committee will screen all applications. A personal interview may be required. The winner will be notified by phone and presented the award at the BPW/Raleigh dinner meeting to be held April 28, 2016.

    Questions? Contact

    BPW Foundation also awards scholarships. Go here for more info.

Contact:      |      Mailing address: PO Box 1794, Cary, NC  27512

Business and Professional Women of the Triangle (BPW/Triangle) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation.

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