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Business and Professional Women of the Triangle

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BPW/Triangle develops a powerful network of leaders to advocate, educate and cultivate connections.


The views expressed by blog authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of each member within our organization. 

  • 19 Nov 2015 7:02 PM | Deleted user

    While sponsorship opportunities for 2015 Meetings are no longer available, there are sponsorship slots available for our 2016 BPW Meetings. Sponsorship opportunities are only $35 for members;nonmembers may inquire via our Sponsor BPW tab on our website or by emailing

       As a sponsor, you are entitled to exclusive access to our community, recognition benefits, and opportunities to connect and better distinguish your firm or company with our members and guests. 

      All proceeds benefit  our Educational Scholarship Programs.

    Don't miss your opportunity to Get in front of your target audience. Build your brand. Cultivate relationships. Tempus Fugit!

  • 17 Nov 2015 11:08 PM | Deleted user

    Our super special Holiday Event will be held at Lugano's Cary,  December 5th at 1:00pm in the exclusive Wine Room. 

    Open to members  and  guests. Feel free to bring your significant other.

    For even more fun bring a wrapped gift ($15 or under) for a Yankee gift exchange (optional). 

    We look forward to seeing you! Don't miss our last event of the year!

    click here to register

  • 30 Oct 2015 10:17 PM | Deleted user

  • 12 Aug 2015 1:08 PM | Marcy Stahl (Administrator)

    Minutes BPW/Raleigh Board Meeting 8/11/2015

    Attending: Jenine Atoji, Linda Karolak, Marcy Stahl

    Meeting began at 6:20pm.  Marcy read the minutes; a motion to accept the minutes was approved.

    Old Business:  

    • ·         Reminding members about the Birthday Bonus: Jenine will send out an email about this.
    • ·         Sharing Member for a Day cards: let’s have one Board members at each table who can share these cards and their purpose with members.  Susan – please bring the cards to the Aug 24 dinner.
    • ·         BPW’s FB/Twitter account info –  resides only w/ Lea-Ann right now.  We discussed the desirability for Jenine to have that info as well.
    • ·         Do we have a sponsor for August meeting?  Bellingrath family law?  Marcy will call Alexandra Castle to check on this.

    Treasurer Report/Membership – no update.

    Jenine to send out reminder emails for future Board meetings.

    Programs: No update.  Jenine will contact Amelia to confirm whether we’ve got Carrie Peele for Oct.

    For the August dinner meeting, we’ll follow our usual agenda:

    • ·         5:30-6 regis & networking;
    • ·         6 – welcome and seating;
    • ·         6:15 dinner served;
    • ·         6:50-6:55 speaker begins.
    • ·         7:40 – announcements and birthday bonus drawing.  Reinstitute table topics.  Going forward: having program person who’s coordinating with speaker ask speaker for possible topics. 

    We want one board member/table – no clumping.  Karen Boardman will help Linda w/ hospitality.  Linda will help us get spread out and unclumped. 

    For our Sept lunch, the topic is social media.  Danielle Baldwin and Lisa Sullivan of Tweet Divas will speak on how to market yourself/your business with social media.  Danielle runs Word Camp RDU.  Can we do a survey through Wild Apricot or Survey Monkey?  Jenine will check on Wild Apricot.  Marcy will draft a survey.

    Mentorship: Marcy is willing to do a repeat of Sonja Neiger’s Mentorship meeting.  Jenine is in discussion with a couple other ladies who might lead meeting on this.

    New membership lunches – very helpful to learn what new members want and young new members like mentoring!

    For our October meeting, we might tie in with Natl Business Women’s week.  Would like to do a mentorship program then.  Or something to do with work-life balance/integration.  Someone can Google this topic to find local speakers.

    November – we do have Brier Creek for lunch. 

    We discussed a couple scholarship fundraising ideas.  1) Do another Silent Auction for fundraising, in spring?  Who can organize this?  2) Possible Kickstarter campaign to raise scholarship money in honor of Lois’ birthday and long involvement w/ BPW?  That is easy and appealing to younger members.  If we pursue this, we want to doublecheck that Lois is OK with this.   

    Meeting pricing:  From Sept forward, $30 early bird/$35 regular for dinner, due to increased Brier Creek costs ($22/dinner).  They’re keeping the corkage fee at $5/bottle and may be willing to store a case.  They’ll charge us a small fee to receive and hold a package if we have wine delivered there.

    We add new members when our members talk to people they know.  Keep mentioning the power and importance of inviting guests and talking about BPW to colleagues!  Do this at monthly meetings, consistently.  This is our #1 way to bring in new members, which is what keeps our organization growing.

    Meeting adjourned at 7:06pm.

  • 31 Jul 2015 9:43 PM | Deleted user

    Minutes BPW/Raleigh Board meeting 7/28/2015
    Attending: Jenine Atoji, Susan Cope, Jackie Brown, Nicolette Allen, Tovah Mitchell, Amelia Davey, Alexandra Castle, Irma McGregor, Cyn McGregor, Lnda Karolak, Anita Baxter
    Meeting began at 6:15 PM. We waived reading of the minutes.
    Old business: no old business
    New business:
    Members will bring ideas for fund-raising to next board meeting. Note: Cindy Loudermmilk will donate baskets should we need them for a silent auction.
    We will publicize birthday bonus and make it a priority, as it supports our scholarship.
    Cyn will design a simple new logo for us.
    Board meetings have been changed to the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Earthfare.
    Note: A motion form is needed for all motions, so we should keep these on hand.
    Membership (Susan and Jackie): Currently 51 active members, 11 recently lapsed members. Susan and Jackie will place follow up calls to lapsed members. Chairs are working with Nicolette to have a recruitment/orientation/social wine tasting event in the fall. Nicolette will report on this in September and we will set the date then. Chairs will be talking to specific members about sharing “member for a day cards”. [We have 100 cards and 22 new member pins on hand.]
    Susan will send copy of new member registration form to Anita, Jackie, and Jenine. Susan will fill this out for all new members since mid-April. Anita will send dues to State for the new members, as needed.
    Social (Nicolette): Jenine is buying a cake for Lois Frazier’s birthday to be presented at August meeting. We will take donations for this. Nicolette is working on a wine tasting (or wine and cheese) event to be held in the fall. Location discussed is “Total wine” at North Hills. Room is free, priced per person. Also mentioned- free room at Triangle Town Center.
    We determined that Kathryn Noel has access to our social media.
    Logistics: We decided to sign contract with Brier Creek for September through May 2016. Prices have increased to $22/dinner and $15/lunch. (Formerly $17/10.) The August 24th
    meeting will be at Cambridge Suites. We will raise member prices for dinner to $30 early bird/$35 regular member or guests. New lunch price: $20 for all.
    The November, February, and September meetings will be lunch meetings. Jenine is checking with Brier Creek for November lunch availability. The Christmas party is Saturday, Dec.5. The board accepted the following calendar: Sept 22, October 20, November 17, January 26, February 23, March 22, April 26, and May 24.
    We decided to have wine at dinner meetings. Amelia can get a discount. Brier creek may let us store case there. We will sell tickets at registration for wine as we have done in the past. There will be no wine at lunch. Brier Creek staff will open the bottles for us as part of the corkage fee.
    Finance (Anita) Anita will look into liability insurance prices. Morrisville Chamber renewal is in December. We have not decided whether to renew. Anita will prepare a budget.
    Programs (Alexandra) Alexandra will ask Bellingrath Family Law to sponsor our August meeting. Cost is $35/member sponsor or $100 for other sponsors. We have confirmed Danielle Baldwin as speaker for our September lunch meeting. Amelia and Jenine have information re: prospective speakers and will share with Alexandra. Carrie Peel is being pursued for October.
    Marketing (Ashley) Jackie Brown offered to assist with marketing.
    Legislative chair (Tovah) We suggested Tovah get information from State Legislative Chair. Suggestions: Post a blurb on the web-site, blog, or email members with events or information of interest. Michelle Evans is a great resource in regard to local legislative events.
    Webmaster Jenine is our current web-master, until we can find another.
    Meeting was adjourned at 8 PM.
    Minutes recorded by Susan Cope

  • 19 May 2015 2:20 PM | Anonymous

  • 08 Apr 2015 2:27 PM | Anonymous

    Press Release by Maria Mauriello

    RALEIGH, N.C.—April 8, 2015—Amelia Davey, owner and CEO of When In White, a wedding planning company in Raleigh and Charlotte, has been chosen as the 2015 BPW/Raleigh Young Careerist, a competition sponsored by the Business and Professional Women of Raleigh.

    “I'm very excited about being chosen as Raleigh's BPW Young Careerist. I feel this recognition will introduce me to some exciting new mentors, connections, and opportunities,” Davey said. “At the age of 23, BPW provides me with a new light on the empowerment of being a female entrepreneur. I look forward to seeing what great things the future has to hold.”

    Davey was one of four candidates in this year’s competition. The other young women who participated in the 2015 Young Careerist program were: Lindsey Harrison, founder of SocialCents Media; Maria Isabel Rego, a volunteer at OHEALL; and Miranda Volborth, lead copywriter in NC State’s IES department.
    Each candidate presented a speech that answered a topic prompt. Davey’s presentation focused on women’s challenge to find balance between their professional and personal lives and “have it all.” Candidates also participated in roundtable discussions and were each interviewed by a panel of judges including Monica Barnes, community affairs director at WTVD; Pattie Hartin, production manager at WTVD; and Jeff Shaw, director of communications at the N.C. Justice Center.

    “This event allows young women the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of women and forge strong bonds within the community,” said Cyn Macgregor, BPW/Raleigh president. “It gives our club a significant ‘pay it forward’ moment.”

    PHOTO CAPTION: Amelia Davey 2015 winner of the Young Careerist for BPW/Raleigh accepting her award.

    Davey’s business specializes in Day-Of and Full-Service wedding planning. She also serves as Vice President of Women in Networking. As the 2015 Young Careerist, Davey will receive a one‐year membership to BPW/Raleigh, which will offer her occasions for personal and professional development, as well as opportunities to learn about issues of concern to working women. She will also be invited to compete at the state level Young Careerist competition in May.


    BPW/Raleigh president with 2015 Young Careerist candidates.  (Left to right): Amelia Davey, 2015 Young Careerist winner; Miranda Volborth; Cyn Macgregor, BPW/Raleigh president; and Lindsey Harrison. Not pictured: Maria Isabel Rego

    About BPW/Raleigh Young Careerist program

    The Young Careerist program was founded by Virginia Allan, national president of BPW, in 1963. Allan recognized the need to recruit younger members—and realized that the professional, personal and political achievements of young professionals needed to be honored. Women between the ages of 21 and 35, who have been employed full-time in their career area for at least one year, are encouraged to apply. The winner of the Young Careerist competition will receive a one-year paid membership to BPW/Raleigh and BPW/NC, giving her access to networking at the state and local level, and personal and professional development opportunities. Further information about the Young Careerist program may be obtained at

    Media Contact:

    Cyn Macgregor, BPW/Raleigh President

    919.602.0900 / |

    Maria Mauriello, is a writer with

  • 02 Mar 2015 12:03 PM | Anonymous

    Be a part of the BPW/Raleigh leadership team!

    See BPW Club Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities

    Nominations are open until March 31. Nominate yourself or someone you feel would be a good candidate.

    Leadership Nomination Form

    Committee Nomination Form

    For questions contact

  • 22 Feb 2015 3:26 PM | Anonymous

    The Women Joining Forces committee will be hosting a 2-day fundraiser at the Durham (Southpoint) and Raleigh (Triangle Town Center) California Pizza Kitchen locations on Monday, March 2nd and Tuesday, March 3rd. 20% of your check will be donated to support the WJF grant. Purchases include dine in, take out, catering, and all beverages.

    Download the flyer and we will also have flyers available at the next meeting. You must have the flyer in order to participate in the fundraiser. Please feel free to print the flyer and share with friends and co-workers.

  • 03 Feb 2015 2:39 PM | Anonymous

    BPW Foundation Scholarships Available - Apply Now!

    Each year, the North Carolina Business and Professional Women’s Foundation awards scholarships to deserving women to help them in their pursuit of higher education. The number of scholarships and the value of each may vary from year to year.  See this link for information for all applicants  Letter for applicant.pdf 


    After reading the Qualifications for Scholarships 2015.pdf   you may download and print the BPW/NC Foundation Scholarship Application form.


    Note about PDF viewing: While you may also view the PDF instructions and application online through your browser, it may be necessary to download the application to your desktop and access it from there to properly print all pages. 

    Be sure you have printed all pages of the application and its instructions. Complete the forms and mail to the address stated on the form.


    We are accepting completed applications for the 2015 application process until April 15, 2015




    Application form 2015.pdf

     Adobe Acrobat (requires plug-in)


     Application form Final.docx
     Microsoft Word- editable 



    The scholarships are awarded based on the following Eligibility Requirements:


    1. Be currently enrolled in either an accredited community college or an accredited four year college or university in the freshman, sophomore, junior or senior year or for graduate study.


    2. Require financial assistance to obtain goals.


    3. Have a definite career plan.


    Applicants must be citizens of the United States and should follow instructions in the scholarship application. The Scholarship Committee advises applicants of their decision on or before May 15th. Recipients will be invited to attend the BPW/NC Foundation Luncheon at State Conference in May.

    2015 Contact:

    Name: Carol Ambrose
    Address:  2300 Cloister Drive
    City:  Charlotte
    State:  NC
    Zip:  28211
    Phone: 704-362-2066

Contact:      |      Mailing address: PO Box 1794, Cary, NC  27512

Business and Professional Women of the Triangle (BPW/Triangle) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation.

Copyright 2025 Business and Professional Women of the Triangle. All rights reserved.

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